Resume Derby United

 Haaland is unplayable, and Manchester City punishes United in tennis

This afternoon, Manchester City enjoyed themselves in their backyard. In the still eagerly awaited Manchester derby, United played the Skyblues. Cristiano Ronaldo is included. The Red Devils were unable to make the weight and were doomed.

Already in the first half, led by the unsustainable trio De Bruyne Foden Haaland, the Nationals led 4-0. With Haaland's bi in particular, the Red Devil served it twice. The second half starts in the same vein with the pride of the Red Devils with a magnificent goal from Anthony. But Haaland then presented himself with a hat-trick, which Foden imitated with a step. With two bonus assists for the Norwegian giants. Martial somewhat underestimated the intensity of the mark at the end of the match, planting a double, including a goal from the penalty spot.
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